DVMB Bylaws

Drayton Valley Baseball Association Constitution Revised 04/16/2004


Article 1:       Objectives


a.     This organization shall be known as the Drayton Valley District Minor Baseball Club and hereafter referred to as the "Club". 

b.     The objectives of the Club are to promote, govern and improve organized minor Baseball, and to encourage participation by all interested adults and young people in the Town of Drayton Valley and immediate surrounding area.

1.     To operate as a division of the Governing Body and authority of the Baseball Alberta Constitution and By-Laws, and in accordance with its affiliation within the Canadian Baseball Association.

2.     To foster among its members, supporters, and teams a general community spirit of sportsmanship and good citizenship. To maintain and increase interest and fellowship in the game of Baseball.

3.     To have and exercise a general care, supervision, and direction Over the playing interest of its teams and players.




By-Law 1:      Change in Constitution or By-Laws


Change in Constitution or By-Laws Subject to compliance with the requirements of the Societies Act. The Constitution or By-Laws of the Club shall not be altered except at a general meeting. Notice of any proposed alterations shall be given to the secretary in writing at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the general meeting. The secretary shall notify the Executive and publish the notice of motion in the local newspaper at least one week prior to the general meeting. Any amendment or addition to the Constitution or By-Laws shall require a three quarters majority of the members present at the general meeting, and voting shall be done by a show of hands.


By-Law 2:      Membership


The Club shall consist of:

1.     All Baseball teams who operate under the authority of the Club and who comply with the requirements of the Constitution, By-Laws and Regulations.

2.     Board of Directors.

3.     Executive Members.

4.     Parents or guardians of children registered to play minor ball within the Club, and for whom the prescribed fee has been paid.

5.     Any person who qualifies by undertaking to contribute their services voluntarily to perform such duties as may be assigned by the Club Executive/Board of Directors.


By-Law 3:      Voting


Each member present who qualifies under By-Law 2 shall be entitled to one vote at all duly constituted general meetings of the Club. There shall be no proxy votes. Voting shall be done by a show of hands, except in matters which the President of the Club decides should be by a secret ballot.


The President shall refrain from voting, except to cast a deciding vote.


By-Law 4:      Nominations and Elections


Each member shall have the privilege of nominating a representative for each office of the Club. A nominating committee will be formed each year by the Club Executive to bring in a slate of candidates to the general meeting.


By-Law 5:      Club Executive and Duties


a) The Club Executive Officers shall be the:

1.     President.

2.     Vice President.

3.     Secretary.

4.     Treasurer.

5.     Registrar.

6.     Past President.

b) The Club Director Officers shall be the:

1.     Equipment Director.

2.     Diamond Director.

3.     Umpire in Chief.

4.     Concession Director.

5.     Ways and Means Director.

6.     Division Directors.  Division Directors may be one individual per division or a combination of divisions_ The term of office for Directors shall be two (2) years.


Bylaw 6:         Powers and Duties of Club Executive


The Club Executive members shall not receive remuneration.


a) The President shall perform the duties of the office of the President and more particularly, but without restricting the generality of the forgoing:

1.     Shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, except appeals committees.

2.     Shall preside over all meetings of the Club.

3.     Shall not vote, except to cast the deciding vote.

4.     Shall call all meetings of the Club Executive and Club Directors at such time and place as deemed necessary and shall call such meetings when requested in writing by any four (4) members of the Executive who shall state the business which they will raise at such meeting.

5.     Shall be the official representative of the Club at the Baseball Alberta. meetings.


b) The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, have all the powers and perform all the duties of the President in particular:

1.     Shall be the second voting delegate to Baseball Alberta meetings.

2.     Shall chair the appeals committee which will be made up of six (6) people elected at the beginning of each year, with each division represented. The Chairperson will not vote except to cast the deciding vote.

c) The Past President shall act in any capacity required of him/her by the President. The Past President shall not have any voting power.

d) The Secretary shall perform such duties as directed by the executive, and in particular:

1.     Prepare and custody of all minutes of meetings of the Club.

2.     Prepare an agenda for each meeting.

3.     Shall conduct all official correspondence, issue notice of all meetings of the Club and Executive.

4.     Shall keep a complete record of all events held under the auspices of the Club.

e) The Treasurer:

1.     Shall receive all moneys of the Club and shall pay all bills approved by the executive or by the President, provided that necessary minor expenses may be paid by him/her at the time subject to approval by the governing Body of the Club.

2.     Shall be responsible for the presentation to the annual meeting of the audited financial statement for the previous fiscal year.

3.     Shall be responsible for the presentation of a proposed budget for the forthcoming fiscal year.

4.     Shall, whenever required by the President or Executive, submit or turn over to the said President or Governing Body of the        Club, all moneys, accounts, books, papers, vouchers, and records, including bank and cheque books, pertaining to his/her office and shall turn same over to his/her successor when elected or appointed.

5.     Shall be responsible for filling out or submitting the annual return to Alberta Consumer and Corporate Affairs.

6.     Any member of the Club may, by appointment, inspect the books and records of the Club which are held by the Treasurer.

f) The Registrar:

1.     Shall in the manner approved by the Executive, index and register applications of all members.

2.     Shall keep a register of all players, games officials and team officials in the Club.

3.     Shall oversee all liability claims, seeing that they are processed and properly settled.

4.     Shall present at each annual meeting a report of the year's operation.

5.     Shall co-ordinate all phases of player registration.

6.     Shall be responsible for ensuring all registrations are sent to Baseball Alberta on time.

7.     Shall make available constitutions, rules, and names and phone numbers of all league Executives.

8.     Shall keep current with the Baseball Alberta. insurance requirements, and other insurance.


By-law 7:       Powers and Duties of Club Directors


The Club Directors shall not receive remuneration.


a) Equipment Director:

1.     Shall serve on the budget committee.

2.     Shall serve on the purchasing committee.

3.     Shall meet with all team officials to determine equipment requirements for each team and ensure that equipment is returned for the next playing year.

4.     Shall ensure quality and safety factors are considered when equipment purchases are made.

5.     Shall arrange for handling, storage, repairing, cleaning, and inventory stock.

6.     Shall appoint equipment custodians in each division.

7.     Shall enforce Club regulations relating to equipment use and purchase of.

b) Diamond Director:

1.     Shall be responsible for obtaining diamond time.

2.     Shall dispense diamond time to the Club teams as required.

3.     Shall be responsible for the scheduling and rescheduling of diamond time, exchange, and cancellation of diamond time.

4.     Shall approve diamond time for exhibition games prior to scheduling the game.

5.     Shall-schedule-diamond time to meet league commitments.

6.     Shall schedule diamond time for teams involved in Provincial and League playoffs.

7.     Shall record all diamond time used by teams under the authority of the Club, regardless of the purpose and means of payment.

c) Umpire in Chief:

1.     Shall schedule the game officials for all games played in Drayton Valley by teams under the authority of the Club.

2.     Shall be responsible to ensure game officials are assigned.

3.     Shall, through the aid of clinics, train and supply sufficient game officials to satisfy the demands of the Club.

4.     Shall have the authority to dismiss a game official if deemed necessary.

5.     Shall follow the official rules of the Baseball Canada.

6.     Shall strive to hold a minimum of level 1 Umpire Certificate.

d) Tournament Director(s):

1.     Shall aid team officials when required for tournament organization.

2.     Shall be a member of all tournament rules committees.

3.     Shall be responsible for ensuring tournament rules and regulations follow the Constitution and the Rules and Regulations of Baseball Alberta and Baseball Canada.

4.     Shall be responsible for obtaining Sanction Permits from Baseball Alberta for a tournament.

5.     Shall be responsible to submit a report of each tournament to the Secretary.

6.     Shall be responsible to submit a report to each annual meeting of the year's operation.

e) Ways and Means Director(s):

1.     Shall be responsible for ensuring adequate funds are available to the Club for operating costs.

2.     Shall take care of the Club publicity and advertising.

3.     Shall be members of the budget committee.

4.     Shall organize fund-raising activities for the Club.

5.     Shall be responsible to submit a report to each annual meeting of the year's operation.

f). Division Directors:

1.     Shall help team officials pick teams in as evenly way as possible if necessary.

2.     Shall aid team officials when requested or as necessary.

3.     Shall be responsible for ensuring any team being played by a team under the authority of the Club is registered and in good standing with the Baseball Alberta or the Baseball Canada. prior to the game.

4.     Shall be responsible to administer suspensions in compliance with the Baseball Alberta or Baseball Canada Constitutions and By-Laws.  In the event a more severe penalty is required, the Division Director shall recommend to the Executive.

5.     Shall be responsible to see that team sheets are signed and handed to the registrar.

6.     Shall be responsible to stay connected with the League Governor every month to check on the status of the league teams.


By-Law 8        Discipline


a) The Executive Officers and Directors shall oversee matters of discipline for the Club members and:

1.     Shall have the power to discipline any player, coach, manager, trainer, bat boy, umpire, and/or spectator for ungentlemanly conduct on or off the ball diamond during any minor ball event. Any person so disciplined shall have the right to appeal to the Appeals Committee.

2.     Shall have the power to discipline any member of the Club for any reason deemed sufficient. A member who is disciplined shall be notified by the President within twenty-four (24) hours with confirmation by registered mail. Any such member so disciplined shall have the right to appeal to the Appeals Committee. The President shall appoint a person from the Club Membership to chair the Appeals Committee in the event the Vice President is to be subject to disciplinary actions.

3.     The President shall have no voting power.

4.     All Executive Officers and Directors are subject to the same discipline rules as Club Members.


b) The Appeals Committee shall be elected from the Club Membership (see by-law 6, section b) and:

1.     Shall hand down a decision within one (1) week from the date of receiving the appeal.

2.     A quorum for this Committee shall be sixty six percent (66%) of members.

3.     The decision of this committee shall be the final decision.

4.     Anyone appealing a decision will be required to pay a $50.00 deposit which will be refunded if the appeal is won.


By-Law 9        Custody and Use of the Seal of the Club


The Club does not have a seal.


By-Law 10     Withdrawal I Suspension or Expulsion of Members


a)   Any member who wishes to withdraw from the Club must notify the Club Executive in writing.

b)   Any violation of the Objects, By-Laws or Regulations of the Club or decisions of the Club Executive by any member of the Club, shall render such member liable to suspension by two-thirds (66.7%) vote of the Club Executive.


By-Law 11     Removal of Director and Officers


Any Director or Officer failing to attend two consecutive meetings without just cause during the year may, by motion of the Club Executive, be deemed to have resigned and may be replaced by the Executive.


By-Law 12     Administration of Funds and Assets


1.     Appointment of Auditors:

The Auditors shall be appointed at the Annual meeting and shall be subject to approval by a majority vote of members present.

2.     Banking:

Funds from the Club shall be kept on deposit in a chartered bank or Treasury Branch in Drayton Valley, and all accounts shall be paid for by cheque. The Treasurer shall sign cheques together with either the President or the Secretary. The Financial Report shall indicate the name of the bank together with any safety deposit box number which the Club may rent to keep any securities the Club may own or acquire. The Club minutes shall record the transfer of all financial records and keys from person to person.


By-Law 13     Annual Meetings or Special General Meetings


The Annual meeting and election of officers of the Club shall be held prior to April 30th of each year and advertised appropriately. Special general meetings shall be at the call of the Executive. A quorum for an annual meeting or general meeting shall be the Executive plus an equal number of ordinary voting members.


Executive Meetings — The President shall call these meetings as required and shall notify the members of the time, date, and place. A quorum for these meetings shall be a minimum of half of the members plus one (1).


By-Law 14     Leagues and Teams


a) The Club shall provide playing leagues for the teams under the authority of the Club. Where leagues are not available it shall be the responsibility of the Division Director to assist the team officials in scheduling exhibition games.

b) A registered player shall not be allowed to play on more than one team during league play except in extenuating circumstance and with the expressed approval of the executive.

c) All players must play with their age group unless approval is made by the executive PRIOR to the move.

d) "AA" Teams (rep. teams)

1.      A rep. team shall be selected in each division.

2.       The "AA" Teams will carry only the number of players permitted under the Baseball Canada. rules. The registration for each division including rep. teams and house league teams shall not be closed until the required numbers on each team reaches a minimum of nine (9) players.

e) Substitutions for players shall comply under Baseball Alberta and Baseball Canada rules.

f) Trades between teams under the authority of the Club shall comply with the Baseball Alberta. and Baseball Canada.

g) Players selected to play on the "AA" Teams shall play on that team by virtue of their playing ability. Playing ability shall be determined by:

1.       Every player shall perform drills, with and without a bat and ball.

2.       Every player must perform drills testing basic Baseball skills.

3.                                      Players team style during a game.

4.       The team shall be picked by the division coaches with the final decision to be made by the coach of that division Rep. Team.

5.                                      Any player in a higher league shall comply with

Baseball Alberta and Baseball Canada rules.

h) The minimum number of players for an "AA" (rep. team) shall be ten (10).

i)  Teams shall be finalized by the first league game as per Baseball Alberta rules, unless with special permission from the Executive.

j) The Club shall follow the Baseball Alberta from Baseball Canada ruling regarding the birth date for eligibility of players in all divisions.

k) Team affiliation shall follow the procedure as outlined in the Baseball Alberta. rules.

I) Teams playing in league play shall fulfill league commitments as priority, except Provincials.

m) Provincial Playdowns may be entered at the discretion of the Team Officials.

n) Teams may compete in a league higher than the age division with league approval.


By-Law 15     Players


a) Every player competing in the games provided by the Club shall be a member of a team which is a member of the Club prior to competing in any exhibition or championship games and be registered with the Club.

b) Every player applying for the first time for registration shall submit a birth certificate confirming the date of birth issued by a competent authority.  Any proof of age shall be an official birth certificate legally recognized by the civil authorities in which the Club is operating. In cases where it is impossible to secure a birth certificate, the Registrar may, if he/she considers the supporting evidence satisfactory, accept in lieu thereof duly certified baptismal certificates, issued before the age of ten years, or the age at the date of entry in this country as certified by the form filled in at the port of entry. If either is not available a Health Care Card may also be used.

c) Players must sign only one card or register with only one team under the authority of the Club. Players signing with more than one team without releases may be suspended.  Players who last season were registered with a team outside the Club must first obtain a release from the former team prior to signing with a team under the authority of the Club. Players previously registered in another Province must obtain a release from the former team and complete an inter-branch transfer prior to signing with a team under the authority of the Club.  Refer to Baseball Alberta for further information regarding transfers and imports.

d) Any player, officer or executive member of the team found guilty of falsifying a birth certificate or having been a party to, or having any knowledge of such, shall be suspended indefinitely until dealt with by the Executive.

e) Any player missing six (6) practices or games, other than for illness, may be suspended for the current ball season.

f) Every minor league team shall shake hands with the opposing team at game's end.


By-Law 16     Registration Fees


Annual players registration fees are set at a regular meeting of the Club Executive prior to the Baseball season.


By-Law 17       Positioning of Players


Players shall commence each season in the league corresponding to their age. A player may be moved to a higher category dependent upon ability. The parent or guardian as well as the team officials from both teams involved shall present the circumstances to the Executive. If the circumstances jeopardize the advancement of the player by not moving the player to a higher category, the Executive shall grant such a move.


By-Law 18       Team Officials


a) Team officials shall comply with the Club, Baseball Alberta. and Baseball Canada constitutions, By-Laws, as well as rules and regulations. The Executive shall select team officials.

c) Coaches’ duties and responsibilities.

1.       Coaches shall be reminded that the purpose of a minor ball program is to help and assist character growth and development of the participants, and that the objective of winning ball games is secondary to this particularly important function of this program.

2.       The Coach shall be responsible for being present at all team functions.  Extenuating circumstances shall permit the Coach to appoint a responsible individual to assume the duties and responsibilities of the position during the absence.

3.       The Coach shall be responsible for assuring adequate and proper supervision of the players under his/her control and direction during all practices and games, both away and at home.

4.       The Coach shall ensure the fulfillment of league commitments as priority.

5.       All minor league ball players are to be given equal field time during league and play-off games unless the said player is receiving disciplinary measures.

6.       The Coach shall be responsible for all equipment belonging to the Club, while in use.

7.       The Coach shall be responsible for ensuring proper conduct of all players under his/her control and direction in dressing rooms, dug outs and on the playing field.

8.       When community buses are used, any willful damage that occurs will be the responsibility of the team that used the bus.

9.       The Coach shall exercise the authority to discipline any players displaying disorderly or unruly conduct. Any game suspensions shall be reported to the board.

10.    The Coach shall not permit any people in the dug-out or dressing rooms. The exception to this rule shall be at the discretion of the Coach.

11.    The Coach shall be responsible for developing players in accordance with the National Coaches Certification Program or any program implemented by the Executive.

12.    The Coach shall ensure no individual, including all team officials, smoke on the playing field. Players shall refrain from smoking while in uniform.

13.    No player or official of this Club shall use obscene or profane language during any game, practice, or while teams are in the dressing rooms or on the playing field.

14.    The Coach shall be responsible for providing adequate assistance to ensure team operation.

15.    The Coach and Team Officials shall always stress and promote sportsmanship.

16.    The Coach shall be responsible for ensuring all schedules relating to the team are kept.

17.    The Coach and Team Officials shall comply with league rules, regulations, and constitution.

18.    All Coaches should strive to obtain a National Coaches Certificate.


By-Law 19       Suspensions


Any member of the Club in violation of By-Law 18 shall be suspended until a hearing has been conducted in accordance with Baseball Alberta and Baseball Canada Constitutions, By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations.


By-Law 20       Affiliations


Affiliations shall be in accordance with Baseball Alberta regulations.

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